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Relax, lying down and enjoying DINA's music?


It is all possible at once!

Relaxing on a mat with your eyes closed while listening to the musical sounds that DINA produces in a rustic location. This is all possible during a recital concert of DINA. A recital concert is a unique concept that is beautifully interpreted by DINA. A recital concert is a concert where you can enjoy DINA's music while lying down. It is a unique experience. Listeners are invited to turn in theirselves and reach their true hearts.  At first, it sounds like a simple concert. The listener lies down, closes his or her eyes, relaxes and listens to the sounding music. However, careful preparation hides in the background. The listeners take their own mat, mattress, air matrass, blanket and/or pillow with them to a location that DINA has chosen. The location must contribute to the positive experience that DINA wants to give its listeners. Therefore, DINA always visits a location before giving a concert there. 

Book now!

 Do you have your own yoga studio, spiritual centre or a special location at which you want to arrange a recital concert given by DINA. For a special occasion, ceremony or gathering it is also possible to let DINA come play. Do not hesitate to contact us. Together we can look at the options. 

The latest information about where and when it is possible to attend a recital concert can be found in the agenda on the homepage. 

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